We know that it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that persons are healed today and by which the miraculous occurs. Yet we overlook the power of the Holy Spirit to help us to overcome sin in our lives. Jesus died in our place for our sins yes, but He also sent His […]
Archive for May, 2020
Living Victoriously Over the Sinful Nature by the Spirit’s Power – Pastor Ian Muirhead
Hearing God’s Voice in the Midst of a Storm
Not an easy thing to do…but God speaks, acts, directs, comforts, provides, saves, during the storms of our lives. This word will strengthen your faith and remind you that God gives peace during the midst of a storm.
Who Do You Say I Am?
In today’s world, there are many opinions as to who Jesus is, and Jesus Himself asked Peter one of His disciples, ” who do you say I am?” In a comparison between Christianity and some of the world’s religions, Beasley and Anfuso (1991) asked a similar question, “Who is Jesus Christ?” Well we invite you […]
The Importance of the Blood of Jesus
Sometimes we hear persons plead the blood of Jesus when faced with dire and life-threatening circumstances, but why? This message gives a clear outline showing why the Blood of Jesus is not only powerful but still relevant to our lives today. Tune in to this message now.