Let the peoples praise you O God, let all the peoples praise you (Ps 67:5)
This encapsulates the essence of this ministry which seeks to create a worship experience in which the Holy Spirit leads and persons praise and worship God in spirit and truth. The Praise & Worship team consists of a group of young, talented and Spirit-led Christians who continue to grow and develop their spiritual acuity and talents. The team exhibits a knack to select songs that are timely and represents the cry of persons’ hearts as they find the right sound to glorify God. Persons are encouraged not to miss the praise and worship session on Sunday mornings as we believe that persons are healed, delivered, obtain answers, encouraged, strengthened, find God’s peace and much more, during the praise and worship sessions.
Many years ago, a minister of the gospel declared that the Praise & Worship ministry was at the frontline of the battle and they continue to be, in praise warfare and deep worship. Frequent “prayer & praise” and prayer walks are held in the community with the praise team literally at the frontline, engaging in spiritual warfare through praise.
Pastor John Muirhead, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist, has been a part of the ministry from his teen years and now, as the Praise and Worship Leader, challenges the team to soar to higher levels. Rifton Kelly, vocalist, drummer and keyboard player assists Pastor John in leading the team.