Celebrating Mothers Day 2014

“Mother with a Mission” – This was the theme for Mothers’ Day message at Upper Room. The message centered around the prophetic words spoken to Mary that she would give birth to Christ, the Saviour (Luke 1:26-38).

The message underscored the point that God has a plan for every child that is born. Jesus’ name means “Saviour”. God had ordained that Jesus would be the Saviour of the whole world. Similarly, each child that is born has a different role to play in this life. Mothers were challenged to speak positively over their children and to seek God to find out what God’s plans are for their children.

Mothers were also encouraged to put their trust in God and not to fear the future. This is what the angel told Mary – “Do not be afraid.” Though times are difficult, mothers were reminded that with God all things are possible (Luke 1:37) and they were to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus.

At the end of the service, all the mothers present at the service, were prayed for and given a Mothers’ Day token.



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